About Us

Our mission is to help you predict the future

We've built a time-machine for financial modelling. A multi-verse where you can quickly build, calculate, compare and share multiple outcomes - all in real time.

We are starting small with SMBs and in-house finance teams.

Our grand vision? Revolutionize the decision-making process overall - for everyone.

Back to the Future was a cool movie. Much like this picture of a DeLorean, whatifi users go back and forth to the future everyday.
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7 years
In Business

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Our Story

Lights. Camera. Action!
Innovation can come from anywhere.

What does the movie and television visual effects industry have to do with finance, business KPIs and spreadsheets?

Movie magic. Computer generated characters. Those guys running around in those funny greenscreen bodysuits.

More than you might think.

Six years ago, our Founder, Jon, had twin boys. Instantly, he and his wife were thrown into all of the typical "what ifs" that come with a new family. Career. Real Estate. Childcare. Where to live. Expenses. The future. Life.

Despite the monster spreadsheets and intricate formulas, Jon struggled to model out all of their variables, dates, and interwoven "what if" decisions. Instead of clarity, he hit a wall. Simply too many moving parts to easily account for.

Plus - his wife didn't speak spreadsheet.

Cue the aha moment.

Having spent 25 years working on some of the coolest Hollywood blockbusters, Jon had a unique perspective. Movie post-production is chock full of complexity. Multiple iterations. Multiple decisions. Ever changing timelines and expectations.

The software and workflows in visual effects are crafted to be highly visual, timeline based, intuitive, step-by-step, and designed to expect and embrace real-time changes.

(Long, sideways glance at Excel)

Want to make that CGI dinosaur pink, 10% larger and have it come into the frame half-a-second earlier? Click. Add a color correct event. Drag. Scale the dinosaur. Double click. Insert a time-offset event. Done.

Hot pink? Or cool pink?  No problem Mr. Spielberg. Click. Slide. Create alternate versions. Click. And here are two different options for you, Mr Spielberg. Can I touch your Oscar?

If it is so easy to connect together a series of pre-built image and editing events to create all of the complex images we see in the movies.... then why can't that same approach be used when modelling a financial scenario?

What started as an exploration into personal finance and life planning has evolved into whatifi - one of the most unique approaches to forecasting business finances.

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This is a movie poster.This is a publicity photo from a movie.This is a movie poster
Our Values

Strong values that bring great people together

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Be Innovative

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Take Ownership

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Team Work

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Move Fast

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Our Team Members

The amazing team behind whatifi

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whatifi is built by a distributed, remote team in beautiful Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. We are artists, developers, finance folks and software architects - creating something different, special, creative, and game-changing.

Join Us

Jon Cowley

CEO / Co-Founder

Sometimes innovation requires an outside perspective. Jon has spent 25 years in the feature film & TV VFX industry - working on some of the coolest movies you've ever seen. Jon combines a background in Industrial Engineering from the University of Toronto, Fine Arts from OCAD and Digital Animation. Coolest movie he has worked on - District 9.

Alex Cruise

Fractional CTO / Advisor

Alex has been building software for a living since way before it was cool, and has an enviable startup track record: out of five startups he’s joined as an early employee, three have gone on to be acquired by public companies. Alex specializes in big data platform architecture, with particular focus on streaming, metadata and rich configuration.

Jason Deol

Lead Dev / Co-Founder

Jason is a passionate and dedicated professional in the field of computer science, possessing a background in full stack development and a keen interest in machine learning. Jason's primary goal is to bridge the gap between cutting-edge technology and practical solutions.

Alex Salgo

AI Software Engineer

AI Software Engineer - Data Science/Cognitive Science Master of Computing (AI)

Veda Ruikar

Product Manager

Product Manager and Strategy. Bachelor of Engineering, MBA.

Ethan Peacock

Production and Operations Manager

Production and Operations Manager for film, TV and VFX. Commerce.

Our Offices

Or company is all around the world, come and visit us

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San Francisco, USA

58 Middle San Francisco, California (CA), 94124
(415) 206-1788

New York, USA

761 NW. Hanover St. Bronx, NY 10453
(516) 640-9013

London, UK

38 Alexander Road London E13 9UL
(415) 206-1788
Open Positions

Lean, mean, financial modelling machine.

Come and join our fast growing team

Front End Developer

Remote - Vancouver, Canada
Full Time - Entry Level

Planning to scale your business? Here are 90+ services and tools to automate your financial workflows.

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